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What if you successfully take your Authority back? What are you going to do with it?
What if you escape from the 8 Prisons? Where will you go then?
What if your Emotional Healing Processes removes your Energetic Blocks and unleashes you as a Free And Natural Adult?
What if your Authentic Adulthood Initiations actually work?
What if modern culture falls off your back as if it were a chrysalis off a butterfly?
What if you find your Golden Key where you least expect it, inside of your Memetic Construct?
It has been in your pocket - or stuck in the lock in the door - the whole time. You are the one who closed and locked the door... with you inside. What are you going to do now?
What if you use your Golden Key to open the Doorway through your Memetic Construct and step out?
Into what?
You breathe the fresh air full of Possibility. The confinement-tension relaxes. You gaze at far horizons.
Notice that with one step over the threshold you can see other Memetic Constructs out there. Beliefs, religions, different '-isms' and '-ocracies', different 'polys' (polygamy, polyamory, polyfidelity...)
Who are you going to be next? Who are you if you are Being Yourself?
What will you be up to, really? Do you want to go back into a Memetic Construct at all?
Who gets to choose?
You are not the same person NOW as you were when you locked yourself into those Memetic Constructs. Whose Constructs are they, really?
What is Your Gameplan now?
There. We are at the Quest-ion!This website offers a Process for you to create a Gameplan that you can ongoingly evolve and apply in the Parallel Culture which you personally Cavitate, Inhabit, and Navigate.
CAUTION: You might become ecstatic about this! You might even want to share this Possibility with your friends...
Your Gameplan is a Bridge from the known present into a possible future,
a future starting right NOW.
This Is Your Life
If you were consciously selecting to activate elements of life that you are most turned on by, what would you really be up to?
Perhaps no one ever told you before that this is your life... with the emphasis on your.
This is what you get.
Your time is ticking past... right... NOW...
You will never get any moment, hour, or day back to re-live again.
What you do, you do. Each action is your Choice.
What you don't do, you don't do. Each inaction is your Choice.
You are consciously or unconsciously Deciding every move and every hesitation.
The opportunity for you to make unpredicted choices to do something different from what you already did, is closed forever, because you cannot change the past.
Perhaps you are still being adaptive towards external authorities by using a Survival Strategy which you learned in school.
Perhaps no one demonstrated in front of your eyes that they are implementing their own personal Gameplan.
Perhaps you never even considered what a Gameplan might be...
A Gameplan is NOT a GOAL. A Goal stands 'over there' like a carrot on a stick, a measurable objective you personally 'desire' to achieve, or have been manipulated to think that you desire to achievde because it would be 'good' for 'your career path'. A Goal has a date, a time, a cost, and a compensation. You try to reach your Goal within the allotted time and within the other specifications in order to receive the promised reward. Your Gameplan is NOT a GOAL.
A Gameplan is NOT a STRATEGY. A Strategy outlines the steps you will take to reach an outcome, the resources you will use, the way you will collaborate or coordinate with other individuals or gameworlds. Your Gameplan is NOT a STRATEGY.
A Gameplan is NOT TACTICS. Tactics are the approaches - the tricks-of-the-trade - you will use for accomplishing your Goals. Your Tactics might be:
- Try hard so that everyone can be amazed at your invested efforts.
- Don't try at all so that others get jealous that you can lay back and still receive the same pay.
- Be strong and tough so that others can keep piling burdens on your back.
- Be weak enough that others rescue you and carry your load.
- Please other people so they can continue to define your world with their praise.
- Piss people off so their lives are shaped by trying to avoid you.
- Hurry up and be first, be fastest, and be the best,
- Be the laggard, be late, be slow enough to get negative attention, because negative attention is better than getting no attention at all.
Your Gameplan is NOT a TACTIC.
A Gameplan is NOT a MISSION. A Mission explains why you exist, describes what kind of product or service you intend to provides, your primary customers or market, and your geographical region of operation, your values or philosophies, and your primary competitive advantages. A Mission explains your purpose and direction to provide a sense of identity. Your Gameplan is NOT a MISSION.
A Gameplan is NOT a VISION. Your Vision is what you see out there as a final or ideal outcome, possibly not even achievable, but at least inspiring you and your Team to keep going. Your Gameplan is NOT a Vision.
A Gameplan is NOT a self-indulgent ego-fattening 'BUCKET LIST'. Even 'making my Gameplan' is not in your Bucket List.
A Gameplan is NOT a PLAN. A Plan is a carefully thought out, step-by-step prescription for getting from Point A (where you are not) to Point B (where you think you want to be). A Plan is turn-by-turn driving instructions from Google Maps for getting from here to there. Follow the steps and you will arrive at your predicted destination. But who desired that destination? It was the 'you' you were back then when you decided to make and follow that Plan. The question is, do you stay the same while implementing the steps of your Plan? No. You evolve in real-time. The 'you' who arrives at the destination will not be the same person as the one who originally created the Plan. If you force yourself to stay the same while you are implementing your Plan, then you are not only dead from not interacting with circumstances in your Present environment coming up or vanishing, you are also in Denial, fighting against the Universe's Force of Evolution. Your Gameplan is NOT a PLAN.
There is a difference between a Goal, Strategy, Tactic, Mission, Vision, Bucket List, and Plan, and a 'Gameplan'.
With the former, you try to control how your future takes shape, thereby forcing the future and your Path to remain rigid, limited, and predictable enough to produce a desired outcome, an outcome that you can already imagine. The cost of that controlled rigidity is that your life is dead. Accomplishing those things is no longer rewarding. It is as if you spend your lifetime plotting Revenge for some evil done to you, then you accomplish the Revenge. Does your success and the other's demise make things better? Do you feel justly rewarded? No.
The reason you do not experience satisfaction is that a Goal, Strategy, Tactic, Mission, Vision, Bucket List, and Plan are all Memetic Constructs. They are mechanical objects built out of Memes.
Memetic Constructs exist in Verbal Reality (where anything you do not have a word for does not exist), and involve Defensive Learning (where you can only learn about what you already know about).
A Gameplan is your wide-eyed, flexible, adaptive, thrilling, ongoing direct encounter with all that you can perceive as you live, breathe, and move (dance) in Experiential Reality and Expansive Learning.
A Gameplan is the background magnetic field that you source, the Necessity and Adventure you cause which generates an orientation emerging from who you are being. Your Gameplan indicates in every circumstance your direction 'North', meaning, what you actually want and need in these exact circumstances.
If you are not consciously holding, living, breathing your Conscious Gameplan, then your Unconscious Gameplan prevails in your life. This should explain a LOT about your life so far.
This is why so many Gremlin-contexted events and relationships have occurred in your life so far. An Unconscious Gameplan aims at mere Survival through implementing your Unconscious Purpose, your Gremlin's Hidden Purposes.
Your Gameplan is the way your day-to-day life - your every breath - personally align with the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.), your Bright Principles, and your Archetypal Lineage.
When you and a few other Possibilitators come together in the name of exploring Conscious Gameplans, you change the world.
The Intention behind this website is to open the Doorway for you to shift from serving an Unconscious Gameplan to clarifying and serving your own Conscious Gameplan.
Why? Because then you will be on Purpose with yourself.
I found my Conscious Gameplan!
Designing Your Gameplan Is A Work In Progress
Your Gameplan will never be finished, and it will never be perfect.
Hallellujah Brothers and Sisters!
The idea - or even Belief - that 'I design my own life' only makes sense in 'new age' 'positive thinking' workshop posters.
People who want to be 'balanced' or 'successful' or 'holy' flock to learn any method that seems logical, but then it somehow never gets implemented because other unforeseen priorities always seem to take over from the sidelines.
What is really going on here?
It is so clear that it is Possible to be Radically Responsible for your own life.
But how can you prove it?
Here is how. Do this Experiment:
Lie down on the floor (not in a bed or on a couch...) and refuse to do anything motivated by Memetic Constructs or Voices in your head such as: "I should, I must, I have to, I cannot, I am not allowed, this is not okay, what will my parents think? What will the neighbors think?"
It does not matter if you sleep. Being so Adaptive is exhausting! Sleep then. But when you wake up, stay there and continue the Experiment.
It does not matter if this Experiment takes a few days or nights before you move again. If others around you get concerned, you can tell them, "I am going to do an Experiment of lying down here on the floor until something else comes alive in be besides my Good Girl / Nice Boy mask, beside my Survival Strategy Box. Don't worry about me. I am more fine now than I ever have been. Just vacuum around me. I won't pee on the floor."
You stay there motionless, without speaking, without interacting, until you organically take action from the Free And Natural Adult part of yourself.
Perhaps you never relocated your Point Of Origin to the Free And Natural Adult Egostate. Perhaps you never thought of this possibility before.
Now is your chance to try it out.
Take your time.
Not what your Gremlin wants to do...
Not what your Child Ego State wants to do...
Not what your Parent Ego State proclaims you should do, what you must do, what you are forbidden from doing...
Not what your Survival Strategy or Box wants you to do...
Let your Bullshit Detector take the frontal attacks. Keep your Sword Of Clarity to hand. Let everything else fall off.
You might feel something. Go ahead and feel it... even if it gets so big you have to barf. (Use a bucket, please. Have some tissues with you.)
Wait for your essential self to emerge, peeking its head out from behind all the shrapnel and bizarre confetti of modern life.
Wait for You, your essential self, your Being. Just wait.
Let your unadorned, unjudged, impulses lead you to build a new life for yourself, ongoingly, decision-by-decision, action-by-action.
Your life is no longer required to fit into a world that demands Reasons or Justifications.
Hold out your Bullshit Detector and your Sword, and make Proposals, and Offers.
Negotiate Intimacy. Be a Space.
Be in Awe and Improvise...
Be a Possibility Pirate...
Be a Possibilitator...
Be whatever. For the rest of your life. After all, it is your Gameplan.
These Are Your Fears
It can trigger fear to think that 2023 is here...
Let us do an Experiment that makes practical use of ‘2023 Fear’. Open your Beep! Book to a fresh page and have your pen ready.
This will take 10 minutes or so.
Tell yourself that your fears about your life next year are not an ill omen. They are not a mistake. They are not some defect to be hidden, denied, or suppressed during New Years parties.
Instead, you are going to ask your fear to give you its full intelligence, its wise insights, its new possibilities, and its raw energy about 2023.
The Experiment goes like this: right now, (unless you are riding a bike or driving a car) close your eyes and take in a long, slow, deep breath. Let it out as you come into your Center. Take another slow deep breath, and admit that a new year is coming. Your 2023 fears emerge automatically with that thought.
Allow your other feelings to slide into the background, joy of celebrations coming, anger about not completing things this year, sadness about opportunities lost or the lack of great prospectives for next year. Let these feelings or emotions drift past you. You can get to them later. Ask that your low intensity fears come to the foreground now. Let the tingling, electric, vibrating fears come through your nerves and grow bigger. Just fears.
Tell your fears, “Welcome fear. I ask you to speak to me. I am listening. What do you have for me about next year, 2023?”
While your nerves tingle and your hairs stand up on your arms and neck, partly open one eye and quickly – but in full detail – write down what your fears say. It does not have to make sense to you right now. Do not judge or suppress what you write. Only write and write.
If nothing seems to come to you, being frozen is actually your fear! Simply write, “I am afraid that…” and keep writing. Write, “It scares me that…” and keep writing.
After that, say, “Fear, what else do you have for me?” Let your fear get a little bigger… but not more than about 18% intense. Keep breathing, keep writing whatever comes. Do not analyze now. Only write.
When the flow seems to come to an end, say, “Thank you fear.” Then go one more time. Ask for your hidden fear, the fear under the fear. Say, “Now I want to hear from my hidden fears…” Take a breath and write those down.
At the end, congratulate yourself for being a Possibilitator who is consciously using your fear as a resource, as a friend. Tell the next person you see, “I am an Experimenter.”
It is appropriate to have fears about 2023. The world is going nutso out there. Shit of massive proportions is hitting the fan. You are as small as Frodo Baggins, except that now you can use your fears as a kind of ‘superpower’, a ‘Jack Sparrow’ Compass Of Invention for Concocting your 2023 Gameplan. What is a Gameplan? Check out
To wrap up your Experiment, bring your Beep! Book to your 3Cell or your Possibility Team and ask them to help you change your Conscious Fears into Agency.
For each fear you wrote down, test to see if it is an Emotion – Does it last longer than 3 minutes? Have you felt this same fear before? Then it is an Emotion. Or is it a Feeling, with energy and information to be used NOW, and then it disappears completely from your experience?
Ask your Team their opinions about the actualness of your fear. Listen to their considerations. But only you get to decide what you will do with your fear. Not them.
If you decide that your fear is an Emotion then you have discovered a Doorway to a powerful Emotional Healing Process (EHP). Do the EHP, either with someone in the EHP Collaboration Group on Telegram, or with a paid Possibility Coach.
If you decide that your fear a Feeling, then ask your Team to help you design Agency that wisely makes use of your valuable feelings intelligence. Change your plans, be proactive, renegotiate deals, stop something, go in a totally new direction, start something NOW instead of procrastinating, ask for what you want, etc. No more fantasy worlds from New Years resolutions! You get to start over!
Ask other people about their 2023 Gameplan. Tell them about yours. If they want, you can help them do this same experiment to find theirs. If more people want to do this with you, then offer a paid one-day workshop they can attend. If more people want to participate in your 2023 Gameplan Workshop, you might get so busy that you don’t have time to work anymore. Then you would have to quit your corporate job…
Oh, darn!
Gameplan Process
The following is a rough map for how to start over from wherever you are.
The interesting part of the Gameplan Process is that it is a Process.
You will experience Liquid States between releasing your Survival-level commitment to the conditions that are keeping you where you always have been, even before you could possibly have clarity about where else you might actually want to go.
Adopting a new Gameplan is a Phoenix Process. If it is not, you end up with the same life painted green.
Praises be to 5 Body Liquid States!
The current 'you' is incapable of having any other Gameplan than the one you have now.
By Building the kinds of Matrix that changes the shape of your Being, you unleash the potential for implementing a new Gameplan.
Unless you are using a Gameplan of your own design, your own conscious creation, your own intention, you are subject to the Possibility limitations designed into the culture you were born and raised in: the capitalist patriarchal empire.
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) and ordinary Zombie Memetic Constructs invisibly restrict your perceptions and actions on a second-by-second basis, no matter where you are or who you are with. You won't even know it.
Becoming aware of the horror of your situation is painful. It is like being rudely awakened from an endless intense Low Drama dream. "What? I was dreaming? This was all just an illusion? I am not actually forced to stay in that world of unresolving entrapments?"
"Who am I then? Where am I? What else is possible? Crivens!"
This kind of waking up is so startling and unexpectable, that you cannot do it to yourself. Someone else must wake you up.
That is why it is called 'Phase 0'.
The 'wakeup' happens when you have no chance of making any kind of conscious efforts yourself... yet somehow, you put yourself into a situation where a 'wake-up call' could be given. You can take full responsibility for that...
Starting to have pain about your own ordinariness and lost potentials is a blessing in disquise.
The suppressed grief and rage of discovering that something completely different from this is possible right now is a signal light you can follow. Let it get bigger. The people around you may not understand what you are trying to explain to them, but someone does. Spend time with that person. Ask them what they can tell you about the Path, the Hero's Journey, the Eye Of The Needle, and the Enemies.
Having no idea how to get from here to there is not the problem.
The problem is that, until now, you had not developed the capacity to recognize that you have been living as a pawn in someone else's Gameworld. You have been giving your Treasures to them: your Authority (by foolishly believing that you are being taken care of by a 'representative democracy'), your Attention (by watching television, magazine advertisements, and other corporate-controlled media), your Center (by being naive and Adaptive), your Conscious Will (by only choosing from what is offered to you on the Zombie menu), even your Being (by thinking - even once, even for a moment, that you are not good enough, not worthy, wrong, broken, or damaged).
You gave your precious Treasures to psychopath-controlled hierarchical organizations whose purpose is primarily to get at your credit card.
This, until now, has been your Gameplan.
Welcome to the Real World.
Your first impulse, once you discover you have a pattern forcing you to be something you are not, may be to stop following the pattern.
You think you are going to turn around and face the hungry lion and punch him in the nose and he will not bite your head off...
We do not recommend this strategy for change.
Perhaps you have tried stopping a pattern you have been running for many years...
Did it work?
You are faced with trying to change the way electric currents flow through neurons in your brain.
They actually have nowhere else to go because there are no new wires yet. The current can only go where there are wires.
What we recommend instead is to Shift Your Identity - your self-image or self-story - into something else. Instead of being (your name), choose something different, perhaps Experimenter, Edgeworker, Possibility Pirate, Riftwalker, Possibilitator, Rage Club Spaceholder.
With your new frame of reference you have a new Space to work from. Things look different. You have new priorities which do not originate in the values of modern culture's capitalist patriarchal empire. New territory opens up for you... a taste of Archiarchy.
How can you Navigate life outside of Memetic Constructs.
We never had a class in this...
The purpose of the Universe is the Evolution of Consciousness.
We never had a class in how to effectively walk the Path. What is the Path? How does it work, the Evolution of Consciousness?
It is quite a shock to learn that there are Teams out there around the world, beneath the radar, doing their Work. But what are they doing, actually? And what is your part in this?
Here is where you start being interested to discover that there are Distinctions, Tools, Processes, Thoughtware Upgrades, Practices, Experiments.
These are there for your Being to develop. They are not there for the comfort of your habits. None of them are comfortable.
You start to be able to encounter unusual questions, questions you did not have the Matrix to understand before, such as: What Gameworld are you building to implement your Gameplan? Or, how do people make it to the Door of Rage Club?
What is next for you on your Path?
What happens if you gamify your life?
What if the swamps and monsters are made of: Mixed Context Gameworlds, Fantasy Worlds, Assumptions, Expectations, Conclusions, Projections, Unconscious Gremlins (including your own), Mixed Emotions, Building Matrix, the 8 Prisons, and your Baggage?
Who is interested in this kind of stuff, anyway? What a weird hobby? Escaping Patriarchy? Upgrading Thoughtware? Being an Experimenter? My parents? My siblings? My neighbors? The priest at the church? My boss? My colleagues? My Clients? The politicians? The salespeople? The CEOs? The ladies in my Permaculture or Yoga class? The guys on the soccer team?
...uh, I am running short of other groups of people to choose from.
Sorry about that.
Since modern culture does not promote the evolution of modern culture (or even the understanding that modern culture is merely one possible Gameworld design that could be implemented right now...), and since most people are not Initiated into any kind of Authentic Adulthood, and as a result, do not recognize their unconscious fears as a valuable resource, and instead automatically run away from anything that stimulates their incomplete childhood emotional fears, making them unconsciously controlled by anything that might frighten them... well... who has found their way out of that kind of mess?
Who has gone to the Edges of modern culture and discovered that an Edge exists? Who has learned to live in the rarified volatile conditions of the Edge?
Did anyone ever show you the Thoughtware limitations of modern culture? Did anyone ever support you to Experiment with Inventing and trying out Nonmaterial Value Regenerative Culture Thoughtware for Archiarchy?
(What did she just say?)
Well then, do not expect yourself to already know about all this stuff.
And be especially aware of the Handsome Holy Tribal Man (or Woman) who is happy to become your 'Guide' (for a few dollars, here and there... as their Substack Paid Subscriber... their Patreon donor... part of their Affilliate Circle...)
No one said that finding a new circle of friends was easy.
What can be - but does not have to be - particularly painful is losing your old friends. Relationships do not die from a lack of love. They die from a lack of intimacy.
It is not that intimacy is no longer possible. It is that perhaps you need to increase your ability to make interesting Offers. Perhaps you need to expand your skill level with Vacuum Listening. Perhaps you need more practice Cavitating, Inhabiting, and Navigating Nonlinear Spaces of Possibility.
Yes, there are other Edgeworkers out here practicing these Archiarchy skills. (What? You are an Edgeworker now?) They would love to know that you are interested in such extroardinary things as these...
How can they find you?
What are you doing to let it be known that you are escaping from the 8 Prisons, taking back your Center and your Voice, practicing with your Sword Of Clarity, putting your Gremlin at your side as an ally... how should they find you?
Where are your Articles posted? Where is your Website? What Workshops are you offering?
In Archiarchy, a 'leader' is merely someone who goes first. Who says, "Hello," first? You are waiting for them to come find you and ask you if you want to belong? Fat chance of that! Read S.P.A.R.K. 236 and do the Experiments. Then you can stop waiting around to be 'recognized' and you can start to contribute to Gaian Gameworlds in the values of those Gameworlds. Suddenly you have a new Circle of friends because you made your Circle.
Your Gameplan is what you are up to that takes the most time, energy, focus, and attention in your life? This is your highest priority - in reality, not as a Fantasy World or as an exercise in 'positive thinking'.
You can see what you are up to by clocking (documenting how many minutes per week, for a few weeks...) exactly what you spend the minutes of your day and night doing.
This many minutes deleting SPAM, this many minutes flicking through Instagram, this many minutes:
- Folding laundry and putting it away.
- Ironing shirts and pants.
- Grocery shopping.
- Online shopping... for things...
- Watering the plants.
- Mowing the lawn.
- Cleaning the car.
- Cooking meals.
- Driving from place to place... (NOTE: The clock does not cease ticking when you are stopped at a traffic light.)
- Jogging.
- Preparing your Green Juices.
- Doing Yoga.
- Worrying that you are not doing Yoga.
- Meditating.
- Worrying about who notices that you are not Meditating.
- Sweeping the floor.
- Vacuuming the house.
- Washing the windows and mirrors.
- Polishing the silverware.
- Dusting off stuff in your house.
- Commuting.
- Answering messages.
- Emotionally Reacting.
- Reading 'the news'.
- Feeling depressed. Hiding out in your room because it is all so discusting, frightening, or overwhelming.
- Filling out tax forms and accounting papers.
- Trying to win your court case.
- Making comments of FaceBook.
- Watching music videos on YouTube.
- Watching films or TV series.
- Reading a book.
- Reading magazines.
- Taking a shower, primping, 'bathroom time'.
- Waiting in traffic.
- Standing in line at the Post Office...
- Worrying if you have enough money to survive...
- Worrying about... whatever...
- Walking your dog.
- Feeding and grooming your dog.
- Cleaning up messes from your dog.
- Cleaning your pool.
- Growing your vegetables.
- Doing environmental activism.
- Daydreaming.
- Complaining.
- Redecorating your kitchen, bathroom, or livingroom.
- Justifying, with full-out conversations in your head.
- Resenting.
- Plotting Revenge.
- Making meal plans.
- Talking with the neighbors.
- Gossiping with the neighbors.
- Arguing with the neighbors.
- Unconsciously feeding your Gremlin its favorite Gremlin foods.
- Looking for stuff that you forgot where you put it.
- Sleeping. (Which is not a category that you can classify 'Watching TV Series' as. Watching TV is watching TV. Sleeping is sleeping. Life can be simple.)
- Making the bed.
- Fantasizing about sex, past or future...
- Looking into other people's drawers, and at the stuff on their desk.
- Shoving more material objects into the closets, attic, basement, garage, and storage area.
- Packing up and delivering recyclable paper, plastic, metal, glass, old clothes, and compost.
- Paying your monthly bills.
- Managing Your Hair: waxing it, cutting it, brushing it, coloring it, pulling it out from the weirdest places, curling it, straightening it... etc.
- Babysitting your kids.
- Trying to get your kids to do their homework (for the school principal) and clean up their room (for your own mother...).
- Chauffeuring your kids to their soccer practice.
- Trying to get healthier.
- Trying to be attractive.
- Planning out the holidays.
- Window shopping in town.
- Traveling in 3rd world countries.
- Giving or receiving Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
- Collaborative Invention in your 3Cell, Possibility Team, and / or Study Group.
- Consciously Experimenting, as an Experimenter, Edgeworker, Riftwalker, Possibilitator.
- Kissing.
- Writing Articles.
- Writing your Newsletter.
- Giving WorkTalks.
- Studying S.P.A.R.K.s and doing S.P.A.R.K. Experiments either on your own or in your weekly S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Team.
- Giving Workshops.
- Getting personal Coaching for your Gremlin Transformation and for cleaning out Adult Egostate Contaminations.
- Arranging for and participating in Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
- Online calls with your Teams.
- Studying and Experimenting in
- Writing your Screenplay.
- Creating Nonlinear Unreasonable Being-To-Being 5 Body Intimacy Journeys.
- Writing your Book.
- Being the Space through which your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage can do their work in the world.
- Cavitating new Archiarchal Gamespace in which to deliver your Service Specialty to your Village.
- Creating ways to help others Experience Archiarchy.
- Collaboratively Inventing Results in your Arch Team.
- Those things for your Secret Life... (feeding your Demons...)
HERE IS THE IMPORTANT QUESTION TO ASK YOURSELF THAT BEGS FOR YOUR RADICAL HONESTY:What are the things that I let the rest of my life fall around? What is the real center of my life in terms of using up my time, energy, and attention?What has top priority for me for real?What am I clinging onto at the forefront, and what am I letting slide, in reality?What am I pushing away from my life that I do not even know is possible for me to choose from to put at my life's center?-------------------------Your Gameplan is what you actually implement with each minute of your life, using the clarity that: What you have is what you want.This Experiment is to look clearly at what you HAVE in your life so as to see exactly what you WANT in your life.Make notes in your Beep! Book on a page titled DEFAULT GAMEPLAN about your already existing but probably unconscious Gameplan. You have been using this Default Gameplan for as long as you can remember. It is the automatic response that emerges under stress even if you don't want it to, regardless of alternative options that may be available.
We call it 'unconscious' not because you do not know what that Gameplan is, but because if you truly knew in 5 Bodies (especially in your Archetypal Body) what it costs you to run this Gameplan, and if you truly know in 5 Bodies the outcomes you are creating for yourself, for others, and for Gaia (the Earth), you could not do it. The price you are paying is too high. The Consequences have been weighing heavily on your Karmic shoulders, if not actually knocking you onto your ass.
Write out 7 versions of your DEFAULT GAMEPLAN. Try to make the description concise, powerful, and accurate enough to make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.
There is nothing good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative about a Gameplan. If there was, then this would not be a Gameplan. It would be a religion. This is not a religion. This is not school. This is not your family. This is about you getting a grip of yourself.
You need to gain an accurate perception of what you are currently creating before you have any chance of creating something different.
Here are some Capitalist Patriarchal Empire DEFAULT GAMEPLANs:
- I am going to Survive.
- My Gameplan is to sneak, steal, and win, no matter what. The others can go to hell.
- I am going to not care about Winning. I will settle for having a husband / a wife, children, a home, and a dog.
- I am a good citizen. I vote, pay my taxes, and I support the American Way Of Life.
- I will take care of my parents and make them pround of me and happy through their old age.
- I will set aside my personal preferences, work my ass off for the highest wages, invest wisely, build my 401 K, and live it up when I retire.
- I will get into the right circles and be best in my class at everything. I will get so far ahead of my classmates they won't even see where I've gone.
- I will play it safe, follow the program, and climb up the hierarchy as far as I can go, keeping it all in, trying as hard as I can until I am exhausted.
- I will earn 50 million dollars.
Then write down 7 iterations of your CONSCIOUS GAMEPLAN.
This is the Gameplan you would be aware of if you were consciously collaborating with your Pearl, with the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.), with the Path, with your Stellated Feelings Archetypes, with your Bright Principles, with the General Field Of Consciousness, with Evolution, with Gaia, and with your Archetypal Lineage.
Here are some initiated Free And Natural Adult Archiarchal Culture Gameplans:
- I empower Gameworld Builders to Cavitate, Inhabit, and Navigate Bridge-Houses and Gaiavillages.
- I will enliven the healers, witches, and wizards to come back to work even after being burned at the stake in an Inquisition.
- I unleash and help others Build Matrix for human 5 Body genius to do Edgework Experiments.
- I transition modern culture villages into Archiarchal Villages.
- I hold space for Rage Club and Rage Club Spaceholder Trainings.
- I weave my Village together.
- I build out 100 Million Nananations for the United Network of Nanonations.
- I dismantle modern culture infrastructure, forbidding corporate personhood.
- I deliver Emotional Body Healing to help heal physical ailments.
- I deliver and train others to deliver Toroidal Meeting Technologies.
- I deliver authentic Archiarchy Initiations that Stellate the Free And Natural Adult.
- I become absurdly effective at delivering Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
- I journey into and build Teams in new countries for local circles of Possibilitators.
- I publish 1000 Archiarchal Books.
- I design and build out regenerative culture infrastructure. I build out new gamespace for Archiarchy.
Once you have written your 7 drafts of your CONSCIOUS GAMEPLAN, then bring them to your Possiblity Team and say, "Please give me possibility about my next steps for implementing my Gameplan."
Perhaps you have heard the old saying, "You teach best what you most need to learn."
This is now part of your Gameplan.
Your Gameplan Experiments
No one can implement your Gameplan for you.
No one can stop you from Cavitating , Inhabiting, and Navigating your ever evolving Gameplan.
You think life is meant to be boring and tedious?
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.01
This is an experiment for a whole day. Do this experiment on a day when you have no plans. No job, no appointment, no dental appointment.
For every decision you make that day, ask the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies what they have to say.
Suppose you wake up and toy with the idea of getting out of bed. Thoughts originate in the mental body. So start by asking your mental body what it needs now.
Ask 4 bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic) in turn what they need now. There may not be a unanimous decision now.
The experiment is to get up only when none of the 4 bodies has any more resistance to it.
Insertion about the energetic body: Your energetic body may speak a language that you can't understand very well because this language consists of energetic memes.
Example: You get out of bed and want to leave the room. There is something like an energetic condensation in the room you are about to move away from: your bed. The energetic body needs something like an energetic cleansing of the bed you have been sleeping in for the last few hours. What does your energetic body need now? Airing the room? Shaking out the pillow? Washing the bedspread?
Experiment like this throughout the day until you go back to sleep.
Notice how it feels to do something when all four bodies have no resistance.
Notice which body is the loudest. Notice which body you rarely let speak.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.01 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.02
Make a sketch with words and drawings in your BEEP!Book that represents a gameplan that would turn you on - then figure out who you would need to be for that to be in your life.
Request that during the next eleven (11) meetings of your Possibility Team you all dedicate twenty-two (22) minutes of the Team's whole creative Attention at each meeting to design Experiments for you to do during the next week to unfold the Potentials, Nonmaterial Values, Possibilitator Skills, etc. that you would naturally exude if you were that.
Mostly these Experiments will be centered on you taking further steps along your Path in Adulthood.
Remember, a step is taken along your Path when you actually move your Point Of Origen from one Context to another Context of greater Responsibility along the Path.
Being able to actually do the Experiments will require you to do two or three Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) every week, so make sure that you are an active member in the EHP Collaboration Group on Telegram, both giving and receiving EHPs.
You can recognize when you are actually taking steps when you naturally begin to receive new kinds of feedback from the people and circumstances around you.
After completing the Experiments given to you by your Possibility Team during your eleventh Team meeting, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.02 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 11 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.03
Write a list of your life goals in your BEEP!Book. What exactly did you want to achieve? What have you been told about it? What time frame is appropriate for your goals? And what is the reward when you reach the goal?
One of my goals in life for many years was to get married and have children. Two children. The time limit was something like my 29th year. The reward was happiness and love and something like home.
Goals can be contradictory. I also had the goal of writing novels and becoming famous.
Divide the list in your BEEP!Book into 3 columns:
- Goal
- Achieved when?
- RewardAfter completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.03 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.04
Enter a forest and leave the path. Pick a tree at a certain distance that you like.
Start at a distance of about 20 meters. Then you simply walk the shortest way directly to this tree. Try not to be distracted by interesting things on your way (like sawed off tree stumps, huts with dwarves, dead wild boars, talking eagle owls).
If you have succeeded, focus on the next tree.
Proper focusing specialists can go up to a distance of 80-100 meters. Try that.
By the way: If you come across a tree that has tree resin, take a crystallized piece and use it like chewing gum. It contains the magical, millennia-old super power of our forests and catapults you into a higher dimension within ten seconds.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.04 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.05
Making an effort is a tactic to achieve a goal. Neither the tactic nor the goal has anything to do with your gameplan. You learned your tactics as a child and they have a benefit. And you chose those tactics because they worked to achieve your goal.
One tactic is to make a special effort.
Try this tactic for one day. On that day, pick two things that you put extra effort into. This could be everyday activities like cleaning the bathroom or gardening.Let's say it's gardening. Put extra effort into pulling out every little weed, trimming the hedge with nail clippers until it's exactly the shape you wanted it to be. Scrape the moss out of all the joints in the path. I think you get the idea.
What is your benefit? What exactly? What is the feedback from others?What does the feedback from others have to do with your Benefit?
When in your life did you start making an effort?
What goals did you achieve as a result?
Take notes in your BEEP!Book.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.05 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.06
Choose an object that belongs to you and that you can hold well in one hand before you read what this experiment is about.
Do not read any further until you have selected this object.
If you have not yet selected an item, stop reading and select the item now.Now.
If you are still reading without selecting an item, here is the third and final explanation: select the item now.
Otherwise, the experiment ends for you at this exact point. You can start reading the experiment again from the beginning at another time. If you continue reading, this experiment will burn to a small pile of ashes before your eyes right now.
For everyone else who has chosen an item, the experiment works like this:
Make the decision to carry that item with you for an entire week. Decide to be responsible for that item.If you drive a car, it can be next to you on the passenger seat; if you sleep, on the floor next to your bed or under your pillow.
In the morning when you get up, you immediately take it back to the bathroom, kitchen and work. You make sure that no one falls over it, that the object doesn't break, and that you don't leave it on the bus.
You alone and no one else is responsible for the item this week.
If someone asks you why you always carry this object with you, you can answer: This is an experiment. It's about having responsibility for the things I bring into the space.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.06 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.07
Call 10 people and ask them what is the outstanding quality that comes into the room when you enter it.
Explain to the people before you ask them that their answer must consist of only one word. One word that will not be explained.
Immediately write the word in your BEEP!Book, thank the person, and end this part of the experiment.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.07 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.08
You now have several qualities in your list that others perceive when you enter the room.
The task is to choose three of them. All those that have been mentioned twice belong in any case to the list of 3, otherwise you can choose freely, you should have 10 different qualities in your list.
Experiment with each of the 3 qualities separately for three days.
On the first day, start by writing the first of the three qualities on the inside of your forearm. Then choose one item to carry with you as a proxy for that quality for the next 3 days.When you enter, open or create a space during these three days, that quality will come into the space with you, its name written on your forearm, represented by the object that came into the space with you.
Notice how the quality is effective in the space and write down the details of your perception in your BEEP!Book.The changes you perceive are not accidental, nor are they to your credit. It's not something you can brag about or show off. It is simply there because you are there. Just as the object is there because you brought it.
Do this with the first quality from your list of 3 for three days.
After three days, write the name of the second quality on your forearm, choose a proxy item, and experiment with that quality for three days.
After another three days, switch to the third quality.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.08 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.09
Observe what qualities other people bring to the space. Be attentive to the moment when a person enters the room. What quality comes into the room with them?
Speak to the person and share your observation with them.Say something like, "I noticed that you did not come alone. Together with you, CLARITY entered the room."
Do this for three days in all the spaces you are in.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.09 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.10
For a long time now, it's been your job to fix your girlfriend's broken bike. No one thinks about it anymore, you just do it. You're also the one who makes the first coffee in the office in the morning and your mother relies on you to call her on Sundays. In the evening, before the day's news.
Write a list of 10 things you always do. Activities that have simply become habitual over the years. Things that others rely on because you always do them that way.
How do you feel about each item? Start sentences with the words: I feel sadness / joy / anger / fear because....
Make the decision that you will make a new decision or renegotiate regarding these 10 things. Talk to the particular person or people it affects.
You can also make a clear conscious decision to move on (Yes). Share your decision with the others.You can formulate what you need to keep doing it (Yes and / No and).
You can make the decision to stop doing this thing right now (No). Share your decision with the others.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.10 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.11
Either with your 3Cell or your Possibility Team, do the Gameplan Process until you viscerally sense that you have become your Gameplan in action. You will be able to sense this because your general life attitude becomes ecstasy.
If anyone asks what has changed for you, simply encourage them to check out the website:
The Gameplan Process begins with fully studying and doing the Experiments in the following websites:
After your personal experiential ecstasy about being your Gameplan in action does not go away for 7 straight days and nights, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.11 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 13 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.12
Bring your Team together and make a Proposal that it is time for you to
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.12 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAMEPLAN.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!
Chaos is the order of the Universe.
Your Gameplan behaves accordingly!
- Clinton Callahan